Debug skill of the SEpolicy changes
- load the build environment
source build/
lunch [project]-userdebug
- build the system_sepolicy module
mmma system/sepolicy
Then it will update the file in this dirctory as bellow:
- Push the selinux file to device
adb push out/target/product/[product]/system/etc/selinux /system/etc/
adb push out/target/product/[product]/vendor/etc/selinux /vendor/etc/
NOTE: The target file will produced in out/ after single make command (mmma), and it is copied from the out_sys/ and out_vnd/, they are same.
- reboot the device
After restarted, you can check the modify whether work.
- 本文作者:Lucas.D
- 本文链接:
- 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名(创意共享3.0许可证)