Debug skill of the WiFi framework changes


Debug skill of the WiFi framework changes

Suppose you need debug about wifi framework source code, such as frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/, and you don’t want flash system.img every time.

You can debug it by this way.

  1. load the build environment
  source build/
  lunch [product]-userdebug
  1. build the module
  make -j16

It will produce the apex file in the path : out/target/product/mssi_t_64_cn/system/apex/

  1. install the apex file
  • a. if you can adb install apex file, you can do this by command:
  adb install --apex out/target/product/[product]/system/apex/
  • b. ortherwise you can do this by two step:
  adb push out/target/product/[product]/system/apex/ /data/local/tmp/
  adb shell "pm install --apex  data/local/tmp/"
  1. reboot the device

After restarted, you can check the modify whether work.



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